Sunday 5 July 2009


The second wedding for this weekend saw us travelling to the lovely Coats Memorial church in Paisley for the wedding of Donna and Craig. The couple have been known to us for a while as Donna was a bridesmaid at a wedding we did 2 years ago, so we felt like we had met up with old friends again.
The Weather was fine, which was a blessing as the gorgeous Donna and her dad had to walk up the spectacular stairs to get into the church.
The wedding was conducted by the Rev Douglas Ralph, and it just happened to one of the last he will conduct as he has now retired as minister in Coats Memorial.
After the ceremony the guests all travelled to the prestigious Dunblane Hydro Hotel by coach for the reception, and as the weather stayed dry we were able to get the family shots at the bottom of the long driveway with Dunblane Hydro in the background.
Donna and Craig have still to decide on a honeymoon destination, but I'm sure they will be calling soon to see their photos.


Unknown said...

We would both like to thank Angela & Duncan for all their hard work on Saturday. We had a fabulous day...and after seeing the stunning photographs on the website so far, we cannot wait to see the rest!

Donna & Craig McConnell

Pics And Blooms Photography said...

Craig thank you for your kind comments , Duncan and I loved being part of your wedding we feel really priviledged you chose us as your photographers .
We are really looking forward to seeing you both next week to show you the rest of your stunning photos
Take care

Angela XX